Ventnor Botanic Gardens, Isle of Wight

I recently visited the amazing cliffside botanic garden in Ventnor on the Isle of Wight. It seemed appropriate to write about it this week as we launch our Bright Botanicals collection!

Ventnor Botanic Garden has been a visitor attraction since 1970 when it was created by renowned horticulturalist Sir Harold Hillier. The site claims to be the UK’s hottest botanic garden as temperatures are about 5 degrees centigrade higher than on the mainland. The special microclimate allows tropical plants and resident wall lizards to flourish.

Design inspiration is everywhere, with different geographically themed gardens such as Australian, Japanese and Mediterranean. The lily house is also very atmospheric, covered with huge creepers, it has a ‘land that time forgot’ vibe.

Below are some photographs of my favourite places and plants.

Until next time creative crew,


Ventnor Botanic Garden

Ventnor Botanic Garden

Ventnor Botanic Garden