What's happening in 2024?
There are lots of exciting things happening for Zena & Rose this year. Here are the highlights to look forward to:
Our India trip is fast approaching. The aim of the trip is to connect with a block printing workshop that understands our design aesthetic and can produce a range of new products. We are so excited to meet the artisans and see how the blocks are carved by hand, the intricate details picked out with chisels. Browsing the archive of blocks will also be incredible – we’ll upload photos to our social media channels in due course.
We’re hosting 4 workshops this Spring, some at Kite Studios where we’ve been before and another at a new venue, Kew Gardens Hotel. Some of these will be in the evening and would be a great night out for you and a friend! We’ve also got some daytime options for more chilled out creative time.
The 8th of March workshop is on International Women’s day and just before Mother’s Day, so come along to celebrate both!
All the times, dates and prices can be found here.
A new market event for us is Kew Gardens Hotel on 10th February. There will be a select group of local makers displaying their wares whilst people enjoy their coffee or brunch. Please pop down to see us!
Our summer workshops are currently being planned. We’re hoping to hold one at the Chiswick Flower Market, so look out for further details of this.
Our other summer highlight is Bedford Park Festival 8-9th June. This is an amazing event in Chiswick which we love selling at. It’s got a great family crowd and raises money for the local church.